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Jimmie Office Hour Podcast
Improv as a Life Skill

Hosts: Scot Loyd and Jakob Barnard

Guest: Jim Bear, Education Faculty at the University of Jamestown.

In this episode, hosts Jakob Barnard and Scot Loyd explore the application of improvisational skills beyond the performing arts, specifically within education and technology. Guest Jim Baer, from the Teacher Education faculty at the University of Jamestown, shares insights on how improv can enhance teaching effectiveness. The discussion highlights the unpredictability in teaching, where educators often need to adapt spontaneously, much like in an improv setting. This skill proves essential in dealing with classroom technology failures or unexpected student interactions. The episode delves into the broader implications of improv in fostering communication and adaptability in various professional settings. Baer emphasizes the transformation in educational practices, particularly the shift towards engaging students more interactively and responsively. This aligns with the core principles of improv – always advancing the dialogue and encouraging a flexible, responsive teaching style.

Key Points:

  1. Introduction to the Episode:
    1. Hosts Scot Loyd and Jakob Barnard introduce the episode, which explores the concept of improvisation (improv) as a vital life skill, particularly in education.
  2. Jim Bear’s Background:
    1. Jim Bear, a teacher education faculty member at the University of Jamestown, shares his experiences, including a principal certification test involving role-playing scenarios to test his improvisation ability.
  3. Improv in Education:
    1. The conversation highlights how improv skills are essential for educators. Jim Bear emphasizes that teaching involves constant adaptation and responding to unexpected situations, much like improv.
  4. The Concept of “Yes, And”:
    1. Scot Loyd discusses the “Yes, And” principle from improv, which encourages accepting and building on ideas rather than shutting them down. This principle is crucial in education to keep discussions and learning progressing.
  5. Application of Improv Skills:
    1. Improv skills help future educators think independently and manage classroom dynamics effectively. The discussion includes examples of how improv techniques can be incorporated into teaching methods.
  6. Challenges and Evolution in Education:
    1. Jim Bear talks about the changes in education, particularly post-COVID-19, emphasizing the importance of relationships and adapting to students’ social-emotional needs.
  7. Liberal Arts Education:
    1. The value of a liberal arts education is discussed, particularly its role in preparing students to handle a wide range of situations by providing a broad-based, holistic approach to learning.
  8. Engaging Students in the Digital Age:
    1. The discussion touches on the challenges of engaging students with short, quick content, like TikTok videos. Strategies for leveraging students’ interests in digital media to enhance learning are explored.
  9. Group Work and Communication Skills:
    1. The conversation delves into the difficulties and benefits of group work in education, emphasizing the importance of developing communication and leadership skills.
  10. Final Thoughts:
    1. Jim Bear emphasizes the importance of considering every student as a contributor to the collective knowledge and wisdom of the classroom. He advocates for recognizing the value of each individual’s input, regardless of their background or level of experience.


The episode wraps up with a reminder of the importance of liking, sharing, subscribing, and rating the podcast. The hosts thank Jim Bear for his insights and look forward to future discussions.

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